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Shanghai Evergreen Laurel Hotel (Evergreen Laurel Hotel Shanghai), 이 곳 은 푸 둥 장 쟝 하 이 테 크 단지 에 위치 하고 보행 월 2 분 이면 금과 로 지하철역 에 갈 수 있 으 며 회 지 국제 상업 광장 과 장 태 상업 광장 에 인접 한 2 대 쇼핑 센터 로 음식, 레저, 오락, 쇼핑 을 하나 로 합 친다. 술 은 상하 이 자기 부상 역 과 상하 이 신 국제 박람 센터 에서 약 5 분 거리 이 고 상하 이 엑스 포 원 과 상하 이 디즈니랜드 에서 약 20 분 거리 이다.
호텔 은 무료 로 무선 인터넷 을 제공 합 니 다. 호텔 1 층 이 디 쉬 안 레스토랑 은 전경 착지 의 큰 유리창 을 가지 고 이곳 에서 맛 있 는 음식 과 조용 한 시간 을 즐 깁 니 다.1000 평방미터 에 가 까 운 연회장 은 여러 개의 다 용도 연회장 으로 나 눌 수 있 고 비 즈 니스 잔치, 회의, 결혼식 또는 그 어떠한 활동 의 이상 적 인 장소 이다.
그 밖 에 호텔 헬 스 센터 는 고급 헬 스 기구 가 있 고 창문 밖 은 푸 른 기운 이 넘 치 는 스 카 이 가든 이 며 찜질 방 이 있어 서 여행 의 피로 감 을 느끼 고 맑 은 공기 에서 몸 과 마음 을 풀 어 준다.
장 영 국제 체인 호텔 에 대해 기업 은 전 세계 에 널리 퍼 져 있 는 장 영 그룹 은 항공 사업 의 발전 을 위해 40 년 동안 국제 운송 경험 과 국제 적 인 사업 확장 전망 을 바탕 으로 세계 일류 수준의 국제 호텔 을 기획 했다.창 영 국제 프 랜 차 이 즈 호텔 은 세계 각지 에 분포 되 어 있 고 '편안 함, 따뜻 함, 안전, 위생' 의 품질 서비스 로 국내외 의 란 암초, 기 륭, 타이 베 이, 타이 중, 타이 난, 가 의 와 상하 이, 태국 방콕, 말레이시아 빈 시 아 및 프랑스 파리 등 호텔 을 이 끌 고 전 세계 에 분포 되 어 있 는 항공 노선 과 결합 하여 가장 다양한 이국 적 인 상황 을 제공한다.
[자세한 소개]
호텔 FAQ
  • 이 호텔은 Pudong International Airport Shanghai 에서 얼마나 떨어져 있습니까?

    공항에서 에버그린 로렐 호텔, 상하이 19.6km.

  • 에버그린 로렐 호텔, 상하이 은(는) 공항 셔틀을 운행합니까?

    호텔은 추가 요금으로 무료 공항 픽업 서비스를 제공하지 않으므로 예약 후 저희에게 연락하십시오.

  • 에버그린 로렐 호텔, 상하이 의 체크인 & 체크아웃 시간은 어떻게 되나요?

    체크인 시간은 14:00이후, 체크아웃 시간은 12:00이전.

  • 에버그린 로렐 호텔, 상하이 에 수영장과 체육관 있나요?

    안녕하세요, 호텔에는 현재 수영장이 없습니다. 3 층에는 체육관이 있습니다.

  • 에버그린 로렐 호텔, 상하이 내에 레스토랑이 있나요?

    네, 호텔에서 먹을 수 있습니다.

  • 에버그린 로렐 호텔, 상하이 광대역 또는 Wi-Fi가 있습니까?

    예, 자세한 내용은 호텔 프런트 데스크에 문의하십시오.

  • 에버그린 로렐 호텔, 상하이 선불로 결제 하시겠습니까?

    저희에게 연락하기 전에 주문을 제출하십시오.

  • 에버그린 로렐 호텔, 상하이 신용카드로 결제하실 수 있으며?

    아니요, 호텔은받지 않습니다.

  • 에버그린 로렐 호텔, 상하이 의 아침 식사는 얼마입니까?공급 시간은 언제입니까?

    식사 CNY138 / 사람.아침 식사 시간은 6 : 30-10 : 00입니다.

  • 에버그린 로렐 호텔, 상하이 의 숙박 요금은 얼마인가요?

    집값에서 CNY1488 위안이, 숙박 날짜나 호텔 정책 등에 따라 숙박 요금이 달라질 수 있습니다.

  • 호텔이 디즈니와 거리가 멀습니까? 셔틀 서비스가 있습니까?

    호텔은 상하이 디즈니 리조트에서 약 15km 떨어져 있으며, 운전 시간은 약 20 분입니다. 호텔은 매주 금요일, 토요일, 일요일 및 공휴일에 무료 디즈니 셔틀을 제공하며, 출발 시간은 08:00이고 반환 시간은 20:00이며, 호텔 투숙객 만 이용할 수 있습니다. 좌석은 한정되어 있으므로 사전에 호텔 리셉션에서 예약하십시오.

고객 후기 더
  • astron2008
    Very good. It's just that the sound insulation effect of the room is not good.
  • finux
    The hotel is generally good. It is a better hotel in Zhangjiang area, which is worth staying!
  • lifei7758521
    Breakfast items are less, but noodles and eggs are delicious
  • allanyc88
    The service needs training. The payment has been repeated, and we have to negotiate for many times as a result.
  • fujibo
    Same, same, same
  • gracefeifei
    Note that if you book online, the hotel will only give one breakfast coupon. Even if two people check in, you will only give one breakfast coupon. Moreover, if the breakfast coupon has a date, you can't change the date so that two people can use it together on the same day. They said the hotel rules. The hotel also said that if we booked in the hotel, we could get two breakfast vouchers. The price we booked online two months ago was 589 yuan a night. Originally, we wanted to extend it, but we found that the occupancy fee per night became 1500 yuan a night, so we moved to another hotel. In addition to this, in fact, the hotel location and comfort are relatively good.
  • luluru
    Because the plane was late, I didn't live in yousang
  • mimimaman
    Very good location, very good service.
  • babaraliurui
    Location is very closed to subway. The room is very clean and decent. Everything looks great, but the price is not cheap!
  • xiaoyujoy8046
    Near the subway station, newly decorated, around Changtai square now, eating and shopping are more convenient, check-in or more comfortable
  • njuttingting
    The drinking waiter needs business training. He only sees the manager busy
  • bobopet
    It really deserves to be a Taiwan brand, standard 5-star hotel, location 5 points / very good! Facilities 5 points / very good! Service 5 points / very good! Hygiene 5 points / very good! That's great! It is a good choice to go to Shanghai Zhangjiang High tech business office. Opposite the hotel is the shopping mall, which is very convenient!
  • gaoxwtrip
    Good,clean and near the Gangnam station
    The hotel is good. Breakfast is a little poor
  • Camille1982
    In Zhangjiang, a Taiwanese Hotel
  • cjc96
    It was newly opened at the end of last year and ordered at the customer's request. It's OK, but the position is a little off the side
  • Augice
    It's relatively new. It still has the smell of decoration. It's better than the convenient location. The service was average, it was extremely slow to check out in the morning, waiting for 20 minutes. I complained directly, but there seems to be no feedback
  • lynnmm
    not bad
  • Bear Bear ^ ^
    The price is expensive. It's basically a good hotel. The breakfast is also OK. It's very close to Zhangjiang High Tech, but the price is expensive. There are still restaurants around, but I feel that it's better to live with more money.
  • mirrorman
    It looks good
  • linda_xia
    It's OK to order the leader's satisfaction. It should be good
  • amysee
    1. The location is good. There is a subway station out! 2. The hotel is new and complete. 3. But the room is small and the breakfast is ordinary (the price of a single breakfast is too low). 4. The double bed room only mentioned 'single breakfast', which is inconvenient and not preferential. But there are still some shops around that can eat breakfast by themselves; KFC breakfast package is only 7-8 yuan. 5. Generally speaking, if you visit the Shanghai exhibition hall, you will still consider staying.
  • jane86822
    The room smells of smoke!
  • april611
  • e01490429
    not bad
  • andy_long
    The hotel is very new and the service is very good, but the supporting facilities in the area are not complete, so it's very difficult to have a meal ~ ~ it's a big environment. I can't help but hope the surrounding areas will become prosperous as soon as possible~~
  • u2sum41
    To tell you the truth, the hotel is not bad. Maybe it's a little new.
  • dieeryun
    The new hotel still has a taste, but it's clean and comfortable.
  • yongdl
  • didibear
    The hotel has a good location and convenient transportation and shopping. However, the facilities in the room do not match the level of the hotel. Friends reported mosquito harassment when sleeping.
  • annie841125
  • reddoor
    The location is very good, close to the subway entrance, opposite is Changtai square, there are many places to eat. The hotel facilities are also very good. The gym is very big and the service attitude is good. The only problem is that it has just opened and the taste of decoration is still there. I hope it can be solved soon
  • expert01
    Check in frequently
  • lrongrong
    Breakfast is not very good
  • laneliu78
    The price is really high
  • B-side
    Generally, the price is too high
  • e Long Member
    not bad
  • BerylAndy
    Convenient transportation and eating around
  • rio32
    Hopes the service can be improved
  • xufeijun
    The new hotel has a good location. It comes from the airport and comes out of Jinke Road subway station of line 2. The transportation is convenient and the surrounding environment is also very good. There are many catering and entertainment facilities in Changtai square. The facilities are new and clean. I'll go next time.
  • scanf
    Not bad. It's cheap and good in Zhangjiang~~~~~~
  • cxl2222
    The location is good. It's far from the subway. There's a lot of food nearby. The service is very good. The normal square is nearby
  • xiaobeir
    No swimming
  • alenabb
    The new hotel has good facilities and equipment, and the room location is also good. Opposite is Changtai square. It should be regarded as a 4 - star hotel, belonging to the scope of Zhangjiang Convention and Exhibition Hotel
  • ljspp
    The new hotel has been opened by Taiwanese recently. The price is relatively affordable. The hotel feels very clean because it is new. The service of Taiwanese still has a reputation!
  • ariestiger
    Very nice hotel!
  • AlexCool
    It is close to the subway and has convenient transportation, but there are not enough living facilities nearby. The hotel is very new and comfortable. Suitable for high-end business people in Zhangjiang. The price is a little high. But it's worth it.
  • xyx036544
    It's still good, but the price is a little higher
  • cxcjl
    The service and environment were very good, recommended. Breakfast is average.
  • njtulv
    The new hotel opened in January, with very new facilities, few people and convenient transportation. It's just a stop from Jinke road of line 2, surrounded by Changtai square, where there are many places to eat.
  • ftt138
    Overall, I felt it was pretty good. Overall, I felt it was pretty good
  • ast002
    In Zhangjiang, the hotel is quite good, it is the second time to arrange a friend to stay.
  • fop523
    The hotel facilities are average, but there is still a gap with the four-star standard.
  • lixuefeifei
    Not bad hotel, service industry is OK. Praise
  • feiyang
    The new hotel smells too strong!
  • gcgj1999
    not so bad
  • bobo70
    It's so convenient. A decent hotel has finally opened here in Zhangjiang
  • dongdong0466
    There are not many hardware facilities, too many breakfast cold food, not many hardware facilities, too many breakfast cold food, not many hardware facilities, too many breakfast cold food, not many hardware facilities, too many breakfast cold food, not many hardware facilities, too many breakfast cold food, not many hardware facilities, too many breakfast cold food, not many hardware facilities, too many breakfast cold food,
  • baijie_3213
    It's next to the shopping center. It's convenient to eat
  • greeice
    Located next to Changtai square, it's very convenient and easy to stroll ~ I like desk service. In addition, the hotel is very new and clean, so it's very comfortable